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Incorrect download speed on the Netduma R2 router


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My internet speed on connection benchmark shows around 300GB but on speedtest.net shows around 700-800

Its half the differenceĀ 

how can I correct it

my main modem is on dmz mode

qos is disbaled



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That's fine, it uses different servers so it won't always show the correct results, it depends on your proximity to the servers and the routing to them.

As you can see from speedtest.net the router isn't limiting you to the speeds shown on Benchmark so you can ignore them.

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Just to clarify, it's the WAN IP of the R2 (found on the System Information page) that's in the ISP modem/router DMZ?

The Geo-Filter can cause a misreading of the NAT status so close down the game/client completely, disable the Geo-Filter, reboot the console/PC then launch the game, does it appear open then?

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6 hours ago, Savi said:

Yes it is the WAN Ip of R2 in Main modem DMZ

I did each of these thingsĀ 

its still moderatešŸ˜”

I'm having the same issue. I don't think it's possible to have an open NAT with Geo filtering.Ā 

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