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I'm having a few hiccups with the Geo Filtering and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong - may be something simple. Just trying to get the understanding of it dialed in.


So, Im playing Battlefield with two mates from USA, while im in EU - I start a game party - have Auto Ping Host and Filtering mode disabled - then invite my 2 friends - only one of them appeared on the map, though the player icon showed in a different state to where he actually was, and when the 'Peer' connection appeared in the Ping list, their ping was only 19ms, which doesnt seem right. 


Adding to this, when we loaded into a match (i was party leader) we was on their servers - with 78ms ping. So then i made my USA friend host, and it then put us  in MY server.. So I'm just getting a little confused on why it is acting like this. I am likely just not setting the right things, i guess. So, If i have my radius in EU, set at 600m, and ping assist 0 - this should make sure anyone who joins my party/lobby comes over to my servers, right? As long as I have 'Allowed' each player? Most of the time my friends do not appear on the map - but as we've previously discussed - i think Battlefield just works like this sometimes with friends/servers.


 note: I had my radius in the ocean with a Ping Assist of 20 at the time - so is this the cause, maybe?


First image: Why is it showing me a Ping Assist server in NA, im sure that is way out of my ping assist range? I have no servers whitelisted either. 



Possibly my friends peer icon - though his ping was 19ms to me? Confused on this one too.


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The 19ms ping one appears to be a server for the game so for handling friends or a discord server, does that make sense in this scenario? 

If you're getting a server like the ping assisted one that appears where it shouldn't it's best to ping it and see if it's as expected for your PA setting, if so then it is misclassified on the map. If you give us the ID for it we can then correct the location.

Did you wait 2 minutes after connection to your friends before searching for a game? If you did add what appears to be the friends servers to the allow list. Restart the game with filtering enabled, invite them in, allow anything that is blocked if needed then search. 

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Ah, we was in a Discord server while initially playing, so i guess that must have been what that was then. (still learning what all the icons and things are!)

Okay, next time something like that happens, ill turn AutoPing off and then ping that server to see what's happening. Will send over ID if so.

hm, I'm not sure I we did wait 2 minutes. Should i do this in the future? Once ive connected to friends and allowed them (if any of them pop on the map, as they don't always) - turn Filtering back on - then wait 2 mins and search - correct?

So I've got this right - before i launch game, i turn Filtering of >  launch game > invite friend > allow/whitelist them if possible - turn Filtering back on > wait 2 mins > search game?



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I could only tell it was discord by converting the ID into an IP and looking it up. 

Yes that's correct, though if you've allowed them/the servers responsible for friends it would be best to launch the game with filtering enabled.

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