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Hey guys I have a question about pppoe 

Because I don't get my 1 gibit  look up all videos and on forms I try everything  my provider kpn don't  they disable dmz and  and if do portwarding I get dubbel network issue on my xbox now play 440 download and 88 up load yes I disable qos same thing  what can I do get 1bit network I hope  can be fixed sorry for bad English 

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Ah understood, I can see you've set the router LAN IP to instead of 77.1 is there a reason for that? Usually router LAN IPs always end in .1 so devices use the rest of the IPs.

Put your Fritzbox back and have that use PPPoE, then connect the R2 to it (remove PPPoE from the R2) and copy the WAN IP from the R2 System Information page and put that in the fritz DMZ then check the speeds through the R2.

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