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PlayStation 5 and internet provider does not match the xr1000 download and upload speed.


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Dear friends

a friend of mine has a xr1000 with a download of 910 and upload of 40. When he does a speedtest on his ps5 he only has around 100. When he does a speedtest that is provided by the internet provider it matches the ps5 speedtest. Everything is connected through cat6 Ethernet cables so no WiFi is in the mix. When he runs a cable straight from his internet  provider router to his PlayStation it says he has around 950 download. We can’t solve the problem or is this just an illusion that the ps5 speedtest gives ? 

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Hello, welcome to the forum!

It sounds like the cable he is using to connect the XR1000 to his modem is limited to 100Mbps, swapping it to a cable that supports higher should get them better speeds.

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The cable that came with the xr1000 is a cat5e cable. I searched on the internet that a cat5e is capable for 1000 mbps. Thank you for the quick response!

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Get them to check go to the Device Manager, click this symbol :menu and select the table view. Then for the ports it will show the link speeds for the ports, if any ports show 100 instead of 1000 then the cable in that port should be replaced - it's possible the cable is faulty if it does support over 100Mbps.

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Ok and if has to switch the cable out does it matter what kinda cable it is because it is a black cable that came with the xr1000 box. Can he just change the cable to a “normal Ethernet cat 6 cable ? 

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Apologies. He went back to the store for a refund since he didn’t know what to do anymore. Thank you so much for trying to help him out but he got mad that it didn’t work immediately. 

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