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XR1000 Pre purchase questions

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Due to the XR1000 currently being on sale I have a few questions below before purchasing :-

>> XR1000 Firmware Version - Last Updated:04/05/2022 / XR1000v2 Firmware Version - Last Updated:01/13/2023

Does this mean some of the outstanding bugs have been fixed on the v2?

>> DumaOS version being ported (If applicable) = 3.3

Does this mean once finally tested the XR1000 version will be the same as the Netduma R2?

Thanks in advance.

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"Does this mean some of the outstanding bugs have been fixed on the v2?"

No, they'll be at the same level currently. The v2 has a comparable hardware change that needed to happen to keep selling the router but functionally there is no difference.

"Does this mean once finally tested the XR1000 version will be the same as the Netduma R2?"

It will bring it more in line with the current offering on the R2 yes!

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