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Allowing and Denying Host ?


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Over a week ago I had a terrible host and wanted him blocked, so I gave him a zero rating and moved the red slide bar completely over.   Since then, I cannot move the slide bar at all.  It seems to be permanently stuck at a full red bar.  Is there a way to fix this?


If the host descriptor is really the main thing that allows or blocks host depending on your percentage rating, and the bar is just more of a visual aid then it really doesn't matter to me.  However if the allow/deny sliding bar plays a part in the actually blocking then it's more of an issue.  Thank you for any help.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi mate its purely tertiary. If something falls in the red its blocked even if it falls within your filter, if it falls in the green its allowed even it if its out of your range and if its neither its subject to range filtering.


The solution is a bit technical, thank-you to abc for answering: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/473-i-dragged-my-curtain-too-far-its-locked-how-do-i-get-it-back/

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