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Ping ms


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Can we make a sticky threadd regarding this feature regardin g ping

I see so many members ds here  who state their ping   but do not state if this is ingame ping or the ping on the netdumar geo filter

As thers a big difrence from the two pings  so if sombody says  they play on a 50ms ping but dont state  if its  ingame  ping or geo filter pingit gets a bit complicated

Heres  as few examples of  this

Eg1   I play on a 8ms   ping on my geo filter on my ps5

 But ingame the latency shows as 26ms around running 120hz

Eg2  i playon a 8ms geo ping but in my ps5 it shows ingame ping as 44ms around runnin60hz


The readon i think this is usefull 

If you wanna play on higher ping  games

 And sombody recomends  playing on a ping of 555ms

 You need to know if that the ping on the dumar geo filter ping or  thats the ingame ping 

As trying to copy a members ping if its ingame ping is harder to find out how to copy it as diffrent consoles and pc runs at diffrent hz

Ps460hz   ps5 120hz pc240hz upto

On this game 60ha zadds a delay of around 36ms to your geo ping on dumaros

120hz adds a delay of around 18ms to your geo filter ping

 And i think im not sure as i dont have sa pc to confirm this 240mz should add a delay of around 9ms around to your geo filter ping


So if you wanna try to copy sombodys setting s  to try to help lag comensation

Its a lot easier to get help if people state theree geo ping is a lot less confusing

This topic is meant for  any one who wants to try this its not about  if you think it works  or not  it just to show you how to do it and understand it


I hope i made sence  i know i will make a lot of typos sorry if i did it was done in a rush i will edit this after like i normally do lol


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