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Wi-fi Netduma r2


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hello the netduma r2 wi-fi in this version .94 is very bad, either in the 2.4 or 5g frequency, even if I change the transmission channel and the band frequency, it doesn't solve, the signal is inconstant and weak, in previous versions it was better in terms of quality and distance, and my house is not big. I've also tried to adjust the router antennas, I've restarted, but it's still pretty bad. I have another asus router, and in it the wifi is very good, I have no problems. But I bought netduma to play games, but I also need the wifi for other house activities. I don't connect the two together, because it consumes a lot of energy, the bill is high here in Brazil, can you tell if there is any conflict with this new version of update 94?

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 Here are a few suggestions to try and boost the WiFi.

  • Disable Mirror Mode, give 2.4/5GHz different names and apply - you'll want to connect to 5GHz specifically for speeds, 2.4GHz for range
  • Use a WiFi analyzer to find the least congested channel and change to that
  • Experiment with the widths to see what gives better results
  • Ensure it's in an elevated position - not on a metal surface
  • Ensure there aren't any electrical / wireless devices e.g headphones etc within close proxity ~3 feet if possible
  • Set the antennae to this position _ | | _

In the next version we have made some changes that should improve WiFi performance overall.

It's likely your Asus router has better hardware specs than the R2 as well. Routers are designed to be always on so shouldn't take up too much energy overall.

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