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Netgear XR1000 no connection to cloud in Geo-filter and ping heatmap

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i just buy the router today. and im not able to get Geo-filter and Ping heatmap to work.

i do have internett and all features is working.

tryed to resync cloud but this dod not help.

tryed to update firmware from 52 to 58. still not working.




tryed to force update ping heatmap. fault code i get: Downloading data from the cloud has failed. Make sure you are connected to the internet, or the cloud servers are down.


tryed to reset modem Zyxel VMG V1 that is in Bridge mode


i dont know what more i can do get this to work.


Please help

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This is the faultcode i get when doing a rebot and go into Geo-filter

RPC error 'ERROR_UNKNOWN': Unterminated JSON encoded object found at position in [] -> stack traceback: ?: in function <?:73> [C]: in function 'assert' ?: in function 'decode' ?: in function <?:119> ?: in function <?:382> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:346> [C]: in function 'run' ?: in function <?:413> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:263> (tail call): ? ?: in function <?:30> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in main chunk [C]: ?

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Did you do a factory reset after the update? If not I would recommend doing that first as it could resolve the issue.

Also just to double check, is the internet port on the XR connected to a LAN port on the ISP modem/router?

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I'd suggest reupgrading the firmware using the TFTP method, this bypasses the boot process and any issues there then once done do a factory reset for the freshest install possible: https://kb.netgear.com/000059634/How-to-upload-firmware-to-a-NETGEAR-router-using-Windows-TFTP

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I tried it now, but was not able. It Just keeper failing after 1 min. 


Wien i hold the reset button, it gods red and then it gods red blinking, and then it blinks red 10 times and turn stady red again. Then i try to press the comando. Dose noe go tror. Is it and spesific port i ned to be connected to? Im connected to port 4 now.

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Yes i did. tried diffrent "ip adress" since main was diffrent then the artical. still getting this fault code


C:\Users\Ander\Desktop>tftp -i put XR1000-V1.0.0.52_1.0.38.chk
 Connect request failed

C:\Users\Ander\Desktop>tftp -i put XR1000-V1.0.0.58_1.0.44.chk
 Connect request failed



tried 2 diffrent firmware packages. no diffrent


tried to start the commando when it was going 10 red flashes.

tried to start the commando when it was going 2  red flashes

tried to start the commando when it was going red light before flashing.

tried to start the commando when it was going to do factory reset without turning the power off, and then press the commando after 10 red flashes.

tried to start the commando when router had power on all the time and factory reset it and wait for it to be white light and then press the comando



non of this worked. getting the same faultcode with "connect request failed"


i also had to activate the tftp on my computer. "did not reset my computer after activating it" should that have somting to say or?

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i have try for hours now. without any luck. yes did hold reset button before i put power back on. is it any other way to force update the router? with telnet f.eks?


im giving up this tftp. it do not want to connect. dose not matter what i tried. i even tried without any IP adress setup manual. and still not working.


was thinking to try to down the firmware to a later firmware to see if it makes any diffrence

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Try one more time using this guide: https://kb.netgear.com/000059633/How-to-upload-firmware-to-a-NETGEAR-router-using-TFTP-client?article=000059633 it uses TFTP software instead of command prompt so may work better. No other way to do so that bypasses the boot process unfortunately, you could try an older firmware but if it's persisting it's likely in the boot process. 

Just to add actually, if you're using Armor, first disable this and then see if it works correctly.

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hey again
still dose not work

this time it did start the download from the clinet.

but it stoppes on 37000 blockes and then go 1 and 1 block with 5 sec between. world take 66 hours to complett the download up to 80663 blockes.


armor should be disable. did not activet it. how cold i  check if its activedt?

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Okay that's good so try it again, that can happen sometimes but sounds like you're close to getting it. 

You can check Armor using the Nighthawk app on your phone or click the shield icon top right of the interface.

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I Will try it again, but was only able to get it to start update when the router was almost online again ( ready for setup after factory reset) should it work then? 


Also, should i Just wait when it start going really showly update ( i mean it goes 37741, 37742,  37743 ? Or Just try again?

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No it won't work at that point unfortunately, I'm not sure why it would be going so slowly, what category of ethernet cable are you using? Try again and if it goes slow still then leave it counting up - maybe overnight if it's taking that long and see once it's complete if it actually worked

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Ok i Will try tomorrow and see, im using cat6 cable

But according to the link you send. I should Just turn off the router for 10 sec and then Connect it back and then press the put button when it start flashing,  but my router dose not start flashing. It goes red for som them then it startes to blinking the ethernet Connecticut and wifi. It dose not flash red after startup,

I should not us the same reset with button like the other link i tried first? 

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