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Ping Assist Question


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I know we can use ping assist to make sure that the ping doesnt go under a certain amount but is there a way to give a varied range? For example Im finding the sweet spot to be 35-60. If not maybe this is a feature request :)

Also, I am curious to see what others ping sweet spot is

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Ping Assist is used to get a game under the ping amount that you set. I see what you mean and it has been suggested before but it's a hard one, Ping Assist pings once and uses that ping to determine whether it's over/under the value and will block/allow so would be hard to set it within a range. Also if there is the possibility to get a lower ping wouldn't it be better to get that rather than exclude it?

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I spent a ton of time trying to lower my ping and still felt like there were days I was losing fights I should not have (fios gigabit average 900/700). Im in NYC and there is a server very close that gives about 15ms latency which I thought would be the best.

Since using the netduma to get the ping around the sweet spot that hasnt been such an issue and the game feels better in general. Digging around on this forum and the net leads me that the lag compensation is causing the issue and players with faster connection/lower ping arent at an advantage. Which I guess makes sense from the games standpoint.

So with all that said I think it would be ideal the lower ping servers were excluded. I have been able to do this with the geo filter but sometimes it takes a little while. I thought if the ping assist could grab a server from anywhere with that number it might be a little faster?

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