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Netduma r1


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I recently went out and upgraded my internet and router. I am happy with my new routers speed and wifi capabilities. so I was just wondering. I have a netduma r1 and I was wondering if there is a way that I can hook up the r1 to my new router so I can utilize the r1's functions and still use my new router for wifi and speed? I was using a cable modem and I had it connected to the r1 for the router/wifi but i wasn't getting the speed that I was paying for. 

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated. 

Thank you

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Okay that's absolutely fine, just connect the R1 physically to the router in the same way you previously connected it to the modem. If needed for NAT purposes copy the WAN IP from the R1 System Information page and put that in the DMZ of the new router.

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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I don't think the NAT will be a problem. I think. Lol. So I can just use a Ethernet cord from my router to the r1? Does it matter what port?

Thank you!!! I will try that and see how it works. I do appreciate it. 

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