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XR300 behind vodafone router

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Ok so what I have is ISP - Vodafone router. Works fine.
I also have Netgear XR300 Nighthawk.

What I want to do is have my xbox plugged in to the XR300 so I can use the geo-filter.
However, I want the XR300 to be plugged in to my other router.

Everything else plugs in to vodafone router - only xbox on XR300 - connected via ethernet.

How do I set this up and make it work.

I have tried cable from LAN port on vodafone router to the WAN port on XR300 which seems to give it internet but, when using xbox it not always have service or open NAT and when I try party chat it would not connect although could play the game.

What am I missing - do I need some ports forwarded or some specific setup.

Please can someone give me the step by step exact instructions to follow please.


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That's the correct way to do it. You will need to put the WAN IP from the XR System Information page in the DMZ on the Vodafone router - that will resolve NAT. For party chat you'll need to add your friends or the chat server to your allow list, which you can see steps for at the bottom of this guide: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000077072-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-geo-filter

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Thanks Fraser for the NAT explanation - I will test later.

However, looking at the guide - I think you don't understand what I am referring to.

On Xbox we have an option for party chat. This allows you to talk to anyone on xbox you add to your friend list or invite to a chat party.

With the setup previous I was able to play games but, when I invited people to party chat it would just spin and time out or disconnect. 

Your explanation from the guide is expecting me to add everyone to some list... this is not feasible as I have hundreds of friends and people I talk to as well as people who just drop in on party chats.I think it would be more to do with certain ports forwarded perhaps rather than trying to add everyone to a list - I mean when connected to my vodafone router it all works and I dont need to be adding people to a list. It just works. The game and the party - now its just the party chat that is not working again like its some port being blocked or needing to be forwarded - perhaps when I check the NAT WAN thing  on DMZ that will resolve it - I will let you know. However, it is a worry since it states by exposing the DMZ that it will not be protected and certain ports will be blocked and its more likely to be attacked from internet - kinda worrying...Although only xbox will be there but, I could do without DDOS attacks etc.

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The XR has its own firewall so its perfectly safe to have it in the DMZ of the Vodafone router. 

In regards to the chat, the reason it works on the Vodafone router is because it doesn't have a Geo-Filter. The Geo-Filter is actively blocking connections on the console - it can't know who your friends are or what you want to allow without telling it. You don't have to add everyone at once just those you're going to chat with at the time - they'll appear on the map and then you click the icon and click allow. If it's not feasible for you to do that then you can disable the Geo-Filter have everyone drop in then enable it and wait 2 minutes before you search for a game so servers will get blocked.

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Ah I understand what you mean but, I guess it was me not explaining it correctly.

Ok so I meant even with geofilter turned off and in spectator mode the party chat was not working. 

If I used XR on its own - it worked.
If I used voda on its own - it worked

As soon as I put the XR behind the Voda then the party chat stopped working but, it has seemingly now been resolved once I put the WAN of XR in Voda DMZ.

Hope that makes sense and thank you ! :)

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