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Hyperlane While Streaming

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I've read over the forums and viewed the replies. However, knowing that streaming is TCP and game packets are UDP, if you stream from the console, couldn't you use just hyperlane the udp packets that are outgoing on the console? Which leads to my next question. Source and destination confuse me as to which is upload and which is download. I'm assuming destination is outgoing and source is incoming or am I way off. Or is it reversed? Source is outgoing and destination is incoming?

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Theoretically, couldn't you hyperlane outgoing udp packets for your console and hyperlane all incoming packets (both udp tcp). Did I configure this correctly? Still confused as to which is upload vs download but I've done this before on other routers since I stream from the console and it played great!


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It's hard to think of these in terms of Upload and Download, as traffic source and traffic destination works both ways.

Theoretically though your idea of prioritising UDP traffic would work though, give it a test and let us know your findings. It's not something I've tested myself!

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Okay! I just wanted to ask because I've used other routers that made it "dummy proof" and you could prioritize by port,type,upstream and downstream and that's what I did with it. But prioritizing UDP on both surely couldn't hurt. I was just wondering if there was a way to prioritize incoming tcp packets since the the bottlenecking is primarily on the upload end since I'm streaming from the console.


But thanks for clarifying source and destination for me. I had no idea isn't not as simple as one being incoming and the other being outgoing! And thanks for the reply!

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