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Xr1000 Sky Set up

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Hi,  Ive just changed isp from bt to sky fttp I have the sky router set up and connected and now im wanting to connect my xr1000.  Im wondering what is the best way to do it?  With BT I just connected the xr1000 straight to the ont but not sure I can do this with sky so I will need to connect through the sky router? Also read about DhCP option 61 where would i find that? 


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Most people with Sky I believe do need to connect the router directly to the Sky router, in which case you won't need option 61. However, if you wanted to use your own modem this guide from a user would help https://forum.netduma.com/topic/32036-netduma-r2-with-sky-dhcp-option-61/ it's for the R2 but Option 61 can be found in Internet Setup on the XR on the Settings page.

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Hi thanks fraser, so I went through the netgear setup and it seems to have set up without me doing anything. Just a few questions I have so now I have the WiFi on in th sky hub plus the xr1000 and the sky hubs signal is stronger as I have to wireless sky q box's which I think act as a mesh system. So I'm thinking of just using the xr1000 for my pc connected through lan for the geofilter as I don't think I'd need qos as its a 500mb connection, plus I don't know if the sky boxs will work through the xr1000. Only other thing is that my connection is now moderate on warzone and upnp the checkbox doesn't stay checked is that a bug? 

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Some people have managed to connect the Sky boxes to another router so it may be worth a try. Otherwise you can have that setup, that would work fine. You're need to put the XR WAN IP found on the System Information page into the DMZ on the Sky router to get an open NAT. The UPnP checkbox is a bug but it should be enabled by default.

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Should be fine, are you using the Geo-Filter? If so this can sometimes cause a misreading, if you disable it before you open the game client, then open the game does it appear open then? If so you can re-enable it and ignore the reading going forward as it will be open.

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I managed to get it open by deleting old port forwarding rules in Windows firewall seems to have fixed it that.ks for all the help. One last question about the traffic prioritising, with my set up I presume I will get no benefit from it as all other devices are connected to the sky hub? Am I right in thinking it only really helps anyway if you have a busy network  under load? as its usually just me using the network when gaming anyway?

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To get the full benefit of QoS all devices would need to be connected to the XR so as you only have a PC connected to it there is no need to use Traffic Prioritization. If you're the only one using the connection at the time then gaming alone would not require you to use QoS really.

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