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Wrong server


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Does anyone know why, it keeps wanting to put me on a EU server?

i have flushed cloud, only turned on filter before i search for a game.

strict mode OFF.

tried with ping assist 80 and also OFF


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It's hard to say without a full screenshot of the Geo-Filter but I would hazard to guess that it's because Filtering Mode hasn't been enabled or you changed your settings while you were already on the game

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Hi, the full screenshots are below







I then wait until im in the MW lobby and the before i click search i turn the filter on.. then i se this and finds a game in the server in EU



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yes i know, but as i said higher up, i enabled "filtering mode" just before i click "search for match"

and also tried to enable it when i launch the game.

Nothing works, still puts me in the EU servers when i am circled for USA.

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  • Administrators

That's what I meant, before the game has even been launched on the game you need to have Filtering Mode enabled - by doing it once it is loading up or when you're on the game the game has already determined what connections it can make and so it won't filter as well as the connections have already been allowed

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