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Netduma R2 not working at all anymore

EX slay3r

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Since day 1 I've been having issues with this router and I'm losing my patience now since the router has stopped working completely. Despite never being able to fix the strict NAT issues I still used it occasionally last summer for the Geo-Filter feature. Now I needed to use that feature again so I took it from collecting dust and now even that single useful thing is not working anymore. I have tried everything I can think of; rebooting the router countless of times, unplugging everything, updated firmware and factory reset but nothing helps.

It's not just the Geo-Filter, none of the Rapps work anymore. Just an endless loop of loading and errors:

Error: Rapp is not loaded yet, please try again in a minute.
Error: The operation is taking longer than expected. Please briefly wait before using this Rapp.
And some other errors as well.

I need a working Geo-Filtering router in my life, not this garbage.

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10 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What firmware are you on currently? 3.0.205

What is your exact physical setup? PC, Xbox One and Xbox One Series X

What devices do you have connected to the router? PC, Xbox One and Xbox One Series X

What device/web browser are you using to access the interface? Mainly I use Firefox on my PC but I tried Chrome and Edge too.


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By physical setup I mean modem > R2 etc, what is the model of your modem/router? Are ALL devices connected to the R2 or are they connected to the modem? Do you have any other devices usually connected? I assume you factory reset after the .205 upgrade? In System Information in the Rapp panel options change the number of retries to 5 and reboot from the interface. The too long message I assume was when resyncing the cloud which is normal - it will still have applied

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14 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

By physical setup I mean modem > R2 etc, what is the model of your modem/router? Are ALL devices connected to the R2 or are they connected to the modem? Do you have any other devices usually connected? I assume you factory reset after the .205 upgrade? In System Information in the Rapp panel options change the number of retries to 5 and reboot from the interface. The too long message I assume was when resyncing the cloud which is normal - it will still have applied

I have Huawei Model:B535 - 232 which my Netduma R2 router is connected to with the Ethernet cable that came with it, no other devices are connected to my Modem except our mobile phones are sometimes connected to the wi-fi.

Wow it actually worked when I switched the retries to 5. Thank you very much. Still it didn't work on Firefox but Chrome seems to be working normally. I will now test it to ensure the problem is fixed.

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