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PES 21 not finding opponants

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Hello Duma Support,

I am a Pro Evolution Soccer gamer and today I got my Nighthhawk xr1000. I've read so much about the hardware and the duma operating system and how much difference it can make in the gaming experience so I decided to give it a go. the router is working fine I guess but I can’t seem to be able utilize it for the game I play only PES21. although before buying it, I read on netduma forums som threads confirming that the duma os is compatible with this game. But so far Iam unable to find any opponents to play against, the geo filtering already section does not have the PES in the default list as I had select it manually. I tried in increase the radius and also to disable the geo filtering without any luck so far to find an opponent, Im sure you arealdy know guys that PES is P2P based not server based like many other games. Few times the geo-filtering found players in the US and a server in japan I think but both locations were outside the radius I defined and I was not even given the option to matchmake with the player. Usually, the matchmaking wizard within the game will give you the option to confirm the matchmaking but since I tarted using the router, the matchmaking wizard couldn’t find any opponent. Please help asap as Iam getting frustrated for investing in the router without playing any game so far.

Some other details you might need to analyze the situation

Bought the router from the US online store and I am using it in Qatar – Doha.

Download speed is 500mb

Upload speed is 200 mb

Ping is pretty solid. constant 2 ms

Direct Wired connection from PS4 to the router

NAT Type is 2

Looking forward for your response guys. I hope it works.

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