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Reasons for Warzone searching for different pings?

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I've been testing the XR300 and 500 for about two weeks now, and there's one thing I still don't understand. Sometimes the matchmaking will be searching in Warzone starting at 29/30/31 ping, sometimes it will start at a higher number like 78 or even 161, and sometimes it will never progress past the first ping level regardless of ping assist being off. I've read just about every thread on this site regarding DUMAOS/highthawk/warzone, so I'm not looking for the typical "flush cloud/restart" advice.... just hoping you can tell me why it might behave like this. 

I've been trying different areas around NA, and actually somehow can get each result mentioned above from the same location with same settings, so that's where I'm thrown off. For example. putting a 350mi circle around SoCal sometimes starts at 30 ping, and sometimes will not search at all, giving me the error message that I can't connect to a data center (even though they are popping up on map). Another example, there is a small European streamer with a 6.5kd who has been proven recently to have an average KD lobby of less than 1, and his search always starts at 78 ping. What could cause this? Another example, if I use polygon mode around an area like Mexico as well as SoCal at the same time (I live in AZ), it can work to put me in the socal server, but it searches for 5-15 minutes. When I remove the box in California and just leave Mexico, it jumps to searching at 161 ping automatically. Why? Even at the further distance of  my polygon, it's not more than 500 miles. Seems like the game is doing this because it's not recognizing something it needs to search?

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Could be a few factors that are related, it will base it on the servers it thinks you can connect to and also the ping will take into account how under load the servers are. So for example if the servers you can connect to are all close by then the ping will be low - unless those servers are under load in which case it may be searching for a game higher than it would usually.

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Ok, and what do you think is happening when it never passes 30? Just searches at that threshold and doesn't go over like normal.


Instead of making multiple threads, I'll just ask you another question here. When I tried random duos today, it worked in the sense that I could play with someone. But they could barely hear me, I lagged 3x what I normally would on that server in solo, and half my comms never even go thru. Why is that happening? I could literally back out and play a solo on same server and it goes away. I was also getting guys from all around the US outside my filter, but they never popped up to allow. 

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Probably that there are no other servers available to connect to. It's really hard to say as it's just speculation, only they will know specifically what it does.

Did you have them added to your allow list? You can only force where the server is, you can't prevent people connecting to a server, you will have the advantage as you're closer to it.

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