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XR 500 not detecting internet connection

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Hi, I recently purchased an XR 500 and tried all day yesterday to get it to work. My old router is a Nighthawk AC 1750 and it still works. I live in montana and have dsl service through a comtrend vr 3030 modem. The internet light is white/blinking white while its trying to connect but no dice. I've upgraded to the latest firmware and tried messing with the dsl modem to the point where I lost internet even through the old AC 1750. I had to do a backup restore on that to get back my internet. Does anybody have any ideas please? It shouldn't be this hard to get up and running. Thanks guys.


PS I took the XR 500 to my dad's house, plugged it into his mesh wireless internet and it detected his internet just fine. It must be my damned modem somehow not giving the XR 500 what it requires.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. Do you know if you require PPPoE, VLAN etc for a connection? Either way the best thing to do would be to look at the internet settings that the AC has and then input that into the XR500 and you should connect.

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