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xr500 "R-apps" not loading

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I've been having a heck of a time with the apps not loading on the xr500. It's only a few months old, and it's been rebooted several times. It just hangs on the 'r-app not loaded', especially on the Geo-Filter screen, pretty much the only function that makes this router unique. Network Monitor panes do not load, device manager panes do not load, QoS doesn't load either. 


I can't interact with the "Installed R-Apps" on the home screen, but it does say retry attempts at startup = 5.

Currently on firmware 

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Update: I ran the 3.0 beta, and the R-apps have loaded - but for about a week or so now all of my devices lose internet connectivity and the only solution is to pull the power and wait a few seconds and plug it back in. 

It's not FiOS, because when it happens I can't log into the router's OS.  Usually happens in the evenings between 7-11pm ET. Thoughts?

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I had already done so previously. 80% of my devices, whether it be wired or wireless all have their IP addresses reserved. Why would that cause me to be unable to log into the duma OS? Just curious.

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Is there any update on this?

My router is doing the same thing, it just drops internet and I still can't log into the OS. Chrome just says "took too long to respond." Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

The only fix is to just pull the power and wait a few seconds before plugging it in again.

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I'm still personally talking to NG about this, at the moment they think it is ISP related which I'm assuring them it is not, we'll get there but I don't have any advice other than setting static IPs for WAN and LAN at the moment. Access the interface via the LAN IP and that should get you in if routerlogin.net doesn't.

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Just in case it makes any difference, lost complete connectivity twice tonight.

When it happens, I cannot log into the routers OS with or routerlogin.net - both are down. 

Any other ideas? Guess I can just factory reset but I'm not terribly keen on reassigning 20+ devices to static IPs... Is there a way I can backup the settings that I can apply after I factory reset and reinstall the 3.0 beta?

Open to any other suggestions as well

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