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This Rapp is not loaded yet, please try again in a minute

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I recently added the Telstra game optimiser service on my Tesltra NBN account on my DJA0231 router.  I was able to play around with the various Net Dumas settings to see how I could change streaming, gaming and web performances.  After spending time reviewing the setting options I wanted to reset the system back to the default settings as per the instructions in the user guide.  After selecting the reset to default options I have not been able to load the netdumasoftware.dashboard page, instead the message "This Rapp is not loaded yet, please try again in a minute." displays.  I tried again 24 hours later and the message continues to appear.  


Firmware Number: 18.1.c.0543-950-RA
Modem Make Model: Technicolor DJA0231
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