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Network Setup Issues and Port Fowarding Questions

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To all involved,

I have a Netgear XR700 and a Comcast Xfi router/gateway combo. I’m a big gamer and mainly have these set ups for Xbox One and PS4. Lately through internet troubles where the speeds were fine, I would get random disconnects or kicked out. I restarted both routers to factory settings.

I use to have XR700 port forwarded through the Xfi and all of my system had open NATs and optimal speeds. Since the restart I haven’t had the same success. On the Xfi app the router and it’s IP will not show up like it use to. Tried to open ports through XR700, the speed on both console seem to suffer and Xbox One Nat stays as strict.

I tried enable open Nat on WAN and turned on ipv6 settings. The UNpN has been turned on and off and same issue. I put the Xfi in bridge mode it solved the NAT issue but everything became unstable with downloads and my family using the WiFi while I am gaming or etc.

at this point any help or recommendation for setting are welcome. I just want the optimal speeds, open NAT and WiFi to function how it was before I changed it

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Firstly I would recommend you upgrade to this firmware and then do a reset: https://kb.netgear.com/000061714/XR700-Firmware-Version-1-0-1-24-Hot-Fix

What options does the gateway have modem, bridge, DMZ, passthrough etc? As you're in bridge mode that's likely why the app can't detect it correctly. What speeds do you pay for/expect? What do you mean regarding everything is unstable with downloads etc? What QoS settings are you using?

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Thank you happy to be here,

I’ll definitely try to firmware update but the gateway is a router/modem combo. It had bridge mode and DMZ capabilities. The speed I pay for is 1.2 GB download/ upload is 100 MB provider is Comcast. 

I factory restarted both XR700 and Xfi and WiFi is great. But when I try to do anything with Ethernet with the PS4 and Xbox their speeds are suffering. The PS4 use to get 300-330 MBs download, after my fiddling it’s only getting an average of 60-65 MBs. Xbox One use to get 600-700 MBs, now just 400 MBs or lower consistently. This problems where magnified in when I put Xfi in bridge mode.

The QoS has been on default settings for the XR700 the entire time

Sometimes when gaming or downloading a video it was doing random disconnects. After the factory restores download are better. Gaming still suffering all probably because I haven’t properly forward the ports. I’m just a bit lost on should I port it to my XR700 or through my Xfi. Anything I can do to try to get that speed back for my systems

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Thanks for clarifying. I'd suggest using DMZ on the Xfi instead, bridge modes can sometimes be a bit iffy, should also allow you to see it in the app. So get the WAN IP from the XR System Information page and then put that into the Xfi DMZ. Disable the WiFi on the Xfi as well. If the consoles are in the Geo-Filter then it could cause the speeds to be reduced. Gaming doesn't require much bandwidth though so that won't have an adverse affect. For WiFi I'd suggest disabling Smart Connect as some devices don't work well with it and may disconnect when switching between 2.4 & 5GHz. On the XR in WAN Settings change NAT to Open as well. See how you get on with all that.

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I appreciate the guidance and recommendations of settings, the WiFi and the PS4 are really humming now. Getting speeds higher then before and everything is stable.

only remaining issue I’m a bit baffled about is the Xbox One. Says I’m not connected even though shows an IP address and Mac Address. I wondering if on the XR if I should enable the Ivp6 settings and see if the Xbox will do better under that and open the NAT once if I do enable it? I’m just hoping it doesn’t compromise what I’ve already done with the Xfi and XR700.

Once again, I’m grateful for all the information so far. If I can get this Xbox to cross the “finish line” I owe you a virtual beer.

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1 hour ago, Bvdoom said:

I appreciate the guidance and recommendations of settings, the WiFi and the PS4 are really humming now. Getting speeds higher then before and everything is stable.

only remaining issue I’m a bit baffled about is the Xbox One. Says I’m not connected even though shows an IP address and Mac Address. I wondering if on the XR if I should enable the Ivp6 settings and see if the Xbox will do better under that and open the NAT once if I do enable it? I’m just hoping it doesn’t compromise what I’ve already done with the Xfi and XR700.

Once again, I’m grateful for all the information so far. If I can get this Xbox to cross the “finish line” I owe you a virtual beer.

Great! Okay interesting, have you set manual connection settings for the Xbox or is it automatic? Is it the same if you connect via wifi or ethernet? IPv6 shouldn't be necessary to get a connection. 

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I set the Xbox to automatic. The Xbox is recommending me to turn on the ivp6. I just cleared the cache and restarted. The Xbox is wired as well.

The connection is there but it’s only getting like 255-260 MBs. I know it’s capable of getting 590-710 MBs on average because it use to consistently

I played with the Ivp6 settings and the Xbox benefits from it but the PS4 goes to low 60MBs then the 220-334 MBs without it. I know the PS4 isn’t Ivp6 device. Idk what I did before to have them both benefit for with ivp4 and Ivp6 on. I put on a bunch of settings in the Ivp6 and nothing seem to help the connection both be good.

The WiFi and everything else is great and NAT is open. Just can’t pinpoint how to make PS4 ivp4 and let the Xbox have the Ivp6 without them interfering with each other and cutting off their connection speeds

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IPv6 isn't required for the Xbox to run efficiently, I would just suggest just disabling that completely so both devices are working well. There is no settings that I can think of that would affect one or the other differently when using both IPv4/6

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