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Adblocker list formats, refresh and recording reset


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Hi, some adblocker queries which the UI might benefit from having answers to in the widgets' on-hover help corners:

1) Which blocklist/whitelist syntaxes can the Adblock Rapp parse (see the syntaxes column here for examples of what I mean)? It does not seem to refuse any format, but depending on what parsing it does on the .txt files some syntaxes will be useless or produce unwanted results (e.g. fully block some domains only some subdomains of which were intended to be blocked). I imagine files with simple domains or IPs work, but, for example, what kind of matching patterns or logic are allowed (e.g. ## or *)?

2) Are lists added as online links refreshed? If so, how often? Ideally one would be able to set the refresh frequency and refresh them on request.

3) How can one reset the adblocker logs (from which multiple widgets get their data)? The main inconvenience here is that if one adds and removes lists, the graph with per-device blocks over time does not seem to ever forget them (as colours to highlight traffic with), resulting in a huge legend at the top.

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