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Hi! Few days ago bought new Netduma R2 router very happy about that :)

But reason why i ask for help is PING differences in my favorite game NHL always in-game

i have ping around 35+ but Netduma software show around 15ms so i ask what problem can be?

Living near Riga(Latvia) and EA server is SWE Stockholm 500km away and was ping testing other sites shows around 10-14ping

Thanks Netduma team  :)



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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Glad you're enjoying the router! You're getting a great ping so nothing to worry about there. The reason for the discrepancy is that games have things such as processing delay which adds latency, all games have it, not all choose to show it. So sort of a good rule to follow is if the in game ping shows 20-30ms higher than the Geo-Filter then that is good. If the Geo-Filter ping is still low but the in game ping is higher than the additional 20-30 then it could be an indication the server is under heavy load and may be a good idea to try and force another server. The Geo-Filter ping is the ping direct to the server or to the last available hop. 

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Thanks for answering! but fun fact i had always around in-game 22ping and when got it Duma R2 it was showing almost same ping. But sometimes there is days when is 35+ ping and i cant understand what changes 🙄

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