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Geo filter on PC


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Hi to everyone.

I used to be a console player and it was easy to set geo filter on my r1 with consoles. Now I've switched to pc and I upgraded with the r2 so I was trying to set the geo filter and I've just noticed that on pc it works slightly differently. Should I add the same device (my desktop PC) for every game I want to geofilter? I'm interested in Call of Duty, Destiny 2 and Apex Legends and when I try to add these I get an error while adding the third game. Can someone explain me how it works? I couldn't find a guide for PC

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Remove all those from the Geo-Filter. In the Device Manager change your PC device type to a console. Then re-add the PC to the Geo-Filter and select the manual option, that will allow you to filter without choosing different services.

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