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Hey quick question was wondering if it’s worth the $300

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Hey is the netduma worth it ? I have a PS4 and Comcast internet I get 100 down 10 up and when I do the dslreports on PS4 I get about 20 ms difference from average to sample (the red cross thing ) on all 3 (idle,DL & Upload ) I hope y’all know what I mean lol there’s a 20ms difference from average to sample on all 3 and I get 30ms ping in bo4? Just wondering thinking about getting it idk if it’s going help with the shooting me dead when I’m running behind cover when I was obviously behind cover & shoot first die first.usps tracking showbox speed test

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Given your speeds I think you would definitely benefit from the QoS, being able to eliminate any local congestion in your home. Then by also prioritizing your gaming above all else in the home will ensure you don't get spikes or jitter. Using the Geo-Filter to force the closest servers will also help you to keep a low ping. For those features alone I would say it's worth it. Then with the additional features you'll get in DumaOS 3.0 I think you would really like it.

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