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VPN Hybrid

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Are you using the original R1 firmware or DumaOS? If you're using the original firmware then just apply it to your PC, if you're using DumaOS then you can manually input the ports required to the game using 'Only VPN these services' so the rest of your PC goes through the normal connection. You will require a subscription to a VPN provider who supports OpenVPN in order to use the feature.

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I’m using dumaos it seems that when I click on the battlefield service to not use vpn it still does I get my pc is using the vpn service but I want my battlefield game to run with my normal connection and that’s why I’m seeking help to find out how to use that hybrid feature like in your guys YouTube video.

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When I join a lobby I get kicked because it states I’m using a vpn and I also know because my ping is way up then normal. What I’m i doing wrong the specific game is Battlefield 4 is there a special port I need to put in advance mode. I just want to use this feature so bad because I don’t want to get ddos if Im doing so good in the game.

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Make a rule to exclude these ports instead and it should work:

TCP: 5222,9988,17502,20000-20100,22990,42127

UDP: 3659,14000-14016,22990-23006,25200-25300

You could group them up so you make less rules e.g. 20000 - 25300 TCP/UDP

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