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XR500 V2.3.2.56 - Maybe Auto updated and caused Ethernet to Stop working only WiFi Devices Worked - Downgraded to V2.3.2.40

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Just wanted to report an issue I had this morning after waking up noticed all my wired Ethernet devices on my home network where not online(servers, security system, AC control,...). While troubleshooting noticed that only my WiFi devices where not affected only my wired Ethernet devices. Now I cant confirm if it was an Auto updated that caused this, but it seems like the DHCP server was not handing out any leases via to any Ethernet devices. While troubleshooting I backup my conf to be safe, tried rebooting modem, router, and all my wired devices just to see where the issue might be caused from but still no device wanted to get an address. I tried reloading the same up to date version just in case it was corrupted with the auto update, but it still exhibited the same issues on Ethernet devices. Only thing I did to fix my issue was to leave my in place configuration untouched and load the previous firmware V2.3.2.40 and after it was done everything started to work normal again. I just wanted to report this to the forums just in case anyone might be experiencing this issue with v2.3.2.56 on XR500. Maybe there is a hotfix for this if anyone might know I could try that too or maybe just wait a couple of months to see if any new versions might get released.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Based on your description it's hard to tell what caused it, has this ever happened before? Were you on .40 before this morning? If so then it was likely the update that shot it out of wack but a reboot of the router should have resolved that. Could you monitor it and let us know if it happens again? If it does could you provide the log file from System Information please - get this before you reboot otherwise it would be wiped.

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Guest Killhippie
14 hours ago, fdkrew said:

Just wanted to report an issue I had this morning after waking up noticed all my wired Ethernet devices on my home network where not online(servers, security system, AC control,...). While troubleshooting noticed that only my WiFi devices where not affected only my wired Ethernet devices. Now I cant confirm if it was an Auto updated that caused this, but it seems like the DHCP server was not handing out any leases via to any Ethernet devices. While troubleshooting I backup my conf to be safe, tried rebooting modem, router, and all my wired devices just to see where the issue might be caused from but still no device wanted to get an address. I tried reloading the same up to date version just in case it was corrupted with the auto update, but it still exhibited the same issues on Ethernet devices. Only thing I did to fix my issue was to leave my in place configuration untouched and load the previous firmware V2.3.2.40 and after it was done everything started to work normal again. I just wanted to report this to the forums just in case anyone might be experiencing this issue with v2.3.2.56 on XR500. Maybe there is a hotfix for this if anyone might know I could try that too or maybe just wait a couple of months to see if any new versions might get released.

That update was released August last year I think, some have had issues but mostly its been okay. Factory resets after updates do help, also be aware its a security update and without it you are open to DoS attacks on your router that can compromise your LAN. Netgear wont help there because you are not on latest firmware.

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Yea its hard to tell what caused it. I did check the logs but only after I rebooted it, but they where gone no good info was given to share, since Wife/Kids where complaining did not think about checking the logs before troubleshooting the issue. But next time I will if I have an issues. I believe that I was already on that update in August as I had Auto update enabled, so maybe it was a fluke and not the auto update as I thought. I'm going to wait a couple of months before I update to a newer version.

Any insights on when the next version ETA will be available?

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Interesting, perhaps a power fluctuation or it just wanted a quick nap! Has it all been fine since that instance? No ETA but we'll let everyone know how they can take part as soon as we can.

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