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HybridVPN on PlayStation 4 killing my upload speed

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Hi, I recently bought a Netgear XR700 router and this is the first time I have used dumaOS instead of netgears own software. I went through the process of setting up the hybridvpn option with my vpn provider (ExpressVPN) so I could change which server location my PlayStation would connect to. The VPN is working because my geographical region in game changed to the location I picked but when I do a speed test on my PlayStation my upload speed is stuck on 500kbps which is incredibly low considering I get an upload speed of 20mbps from my isp. 

I am completely out of ideas on how to fix this problem. I have tried changing the MTU size, gave my ps4 a static ip, port forwarded my PlayStation to open my nat for the specific game I want to play (nat type will open when not connected to the VPN but will stay on moderate when hybridvpn is active) 

I have a dsl line going into the modem my isp provided then an Ethernet cable coming out of that modem into the internet port on my XR700 router. 

Also every time I do a speed test on the PlayStation network settings with hybridvpn active I keep getting the same error “the router in use might not support IP packet fragmentation”

This error goes away when I disconnect the PlayStation from the VPN. 

If anyone knows how to fix my upload speed problem on my ps4 it would be greatly appreciated, thank you

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Using the VPN will slow down speeds unfortunately, how have you added the console to the feature, is it greyed out on the right hand side? 

That speed is actually plenty for gaming so you wouldn't be negatively affected by that. The console speed test can be inaccurate so try applying it to your PC and see what speeds you get, or you could try the PS4 browser though it's quite old so won't give much more accuracy. NAT depends on the VPN used and whether they're using NAT/blocking ports.

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