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Hybrid VPN improvement on DumasOS 3

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Can you please improve the Hybride VPN on DumasOS 3:

- allow the vpn to reconnect if it disconnect

-allow us to register more that 1 profile

- allow to mount at least 2 tunnels (ex: a VPN for Netflix US on my TV and another VPN for my games or anything else or as a backup)


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Can you improve the vpn service on DumasOS 3:

- permit to create credentientials to connect (user and password)

- permit a netduma router with hybride VPN to connect to another netduma via vpn service (to allow my family to access to my network with their router but it is impossible with DumasOS 2 :( !!!)



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I've merged your two topics into one so it is easier to follow. 

If a server goes down then it may be because it got knocked offline, in which case you will need to manually reconnect to a different server. Otherwise good ideas! 

The VPN service feature is a Netgear created feature so not something we have developed. With this feature you should in theory (though I haven't tried) be able to use the created VPN service credentials in the Hybrid VPN feature.

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