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Bufferbloat/bandwidth allocation

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Good day fellows.

I've had an XR500 for a while now, and it's always suffered with one issue, that is really fricking annoying.

I have multiple devices on my network, but the issue is only present between two devices, sony bravia smart TV, and an Xbox one x. Both are connected via Cat 6 cables.

Even though i have 70% bandwidth allocated to the Xbox, and 1% to the TV, unless i go through every app (kodi, youtube mainly) and force stop them, the Xbox will not connect. As soon as the apps are stopped, instant connection!

I have anti bufferbloat set to "when high profile traffic detected", 70% download, 70% upload.

The bandwitdth as mentioned is 70% Xbox, 1% TV.

Why does my TV take priority over the Xbox?

Thanks for any help.


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

What is happening here is that you likely have Share Excess enabled so because the Xbox doesn't need that much bandwidth (rarely over 1mbps for gaming) the TV which needs a lot of bandwidth for streaming is taking the bandwidth the Xbox isn't using and taking it for itself. You could disable share excess and this will keep the devices to only using their allocations, this would work but you may encounter other devices not getting the bandwidth they need. What is your exact physical setup?

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