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QoS Sliders - Auto adjust

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So I've been learning the DumaOS. I've been playing around with the QoS sliders for each device and the text fields however I'm experiencing an "issue" that I don't know if there is a "fix" for but hoping someone can help me figure out how to accomplish my goal. 

On paper I figured out how much allocated space I wan't to allow for specific devices. One by one I go through and set the QoS for each device however after i get a few in the one I started at is no longer at what I set it to. It either goes up or down depending on which way I moved the ones after it. I've tried many many different strategies such as lower ALL first then raising, raising then lowering, raising one on one side and lower the one on the opposite side and i just cannot get the sliders to behave how i want. Help?

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

This is happening because you only have a maximum of 100% you can allocate so by changing a few devices it will automatically change the bandwidth of the other devices to make up the rest of the 100%. I know the feature you're requesting is to lock bandwidth to each device but that isn't available at the moment. Generally due to the way the feature works there is no need to do this as share excess is enabled. This feature will allow devices to get more than they've been allocated if other devices aren't using all their share. The feature that will get rid of lag the most is Anti-Bufferbloat. Here are our optimal settings guides if you would like to take a look 


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Alright, thank you! I did figure that was the case I just wasn't sure if there was a method to kind of abuse to get the starting points (i guess you would call them) to be close to desired values and then let them fluctuate from there. And thank you for the optimal settings guide. I will definitely be poking around there!

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