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PC Players calln me a Hacker


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On 4/19/2020 at 8:41 PM, GHOST-1-EC said:

Joined this game while it was in progress...... team got stomped and i got called a hacker....... short clip #PS4Slim #LowFPS #NoFOV #JustTheGunni

Whats your xr500 sitting??

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PS4 Static IP - Reserved

Geofilter - Ping Assist only - capped at 55ms

Qos - 98/98% Bufferbloat sliders (set to when high priority is detected) 

Port prio 3074; 9308; 25000-45000 (udp protocol only) 

Upnp enabled 

Thats the gist of my setup. 

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  • 4 months later...
On 4/22/2020 at 6:23 PM, GHOST-1-EC said:

PS4 Static IP - Reed

Geofilter - Ping Assist only - capped at 55ms

Qos - 98/98% Bufferbloat sliders (set to when high priority is detected) 

Port prio 3074; 9308; 25000-45000 (udp protocol only) 

Upnp enabled 

Thats the gist of my setup. 

does ur xr450 connect to modem/router ?  do use pppoe or DMZ 

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5 hours ago, L7NALMARI said:

does ur xr450 connect to modem/router ?  do use pppoe or DMZ 

I have the XR500 and its connected to a Gateway (isp Modem/Router)

I use upnp on the XR500 only - get a moderate nat with it like that - no connectivity issues with moderate nat.

If i use DMZ on the isp Modem/Router by putting my XR500 static ip in the isp Modem/Router i get an open nat - it doesnt make any difference for me as i always get into lobbies and my connection stability isnt affected by nat type.

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