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its working..

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update from my last post.. not exactly sure what changed and I would love to know but the software has been working pretty damn good since my last post.  Geo filter is operational, hardwired items minus my pc are showing connected in DM and all app's are loading in a timely fashion.  Now I really want to get this device dialed in for blackout (ps4).  Any suggestions for god tier blackout settings? Think I have the basics covered but I'm here to learn and get better!! TY NetDumaBoys 





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Geo-Filter looks fine from what I can see but also depends what you're using in the Geo-Filter Map options. I'd remove the manual PlayStation rule in Traffic Prioritization as DumaOS Classified Games will prioritize the game already. In order to fine tune your Anti-Bufferbloat settings I'd recommend you saturate your connection by doing multiple streams/downloads while following this guide and changing your Anti-Bufferbloat percentages to see what lowers the ping/keeps it as stable as possible http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

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geo-filter map options.  Guessing you  mean profile?  I'm using COD.  I expanded the search area just a bit to include the Illinois server(40ms).  I would rather just connect to the New Jersey dedicated server all the time (obviously because its the closest) but having the search that small to only include the new jersey dedicated takes forever to find a lobby and fill.  Included is a picture of the ping plotter per your suggestion.  Any recommendations for the sliders?  

Ping Plot.JPG

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Most panels have a three line icon in the top left of their panel which have further options for that specific panel, that's what I was referring to. If you do restrict a search substantially then it can increase search times. As I mentioned you'll need to saturate your connection while simultaneously changing the Anti-Bufferbloat percentages to see what is most effective in keeping the ping low and stable, this is a fine tune guide so I can't recommend anything, it will be specific to your connection.

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