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Uncaught Unmatched device

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hi i have the xr500 and this is popping up in the geofilter Uncaught Unmatched device not sure whats is going on i run on a pc and i play on pc but my wife is on xbox thanks for your help


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Welcome to the forum!

I'm not quite sure what's happening there. How many devices do you have in the Geo-Filter? Can you even use the Geo-Filter right now or is the error getting in the way?

It might be necessary to perform a factory reset.

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On 12/7/2019 at 10:53 AM, Supa said:

hi i have the xr500 and this is popping up in the geofilter Uncaught Unmatched device not sure whats is going on i run on a pc and i play on pc but my wife is on xbox thanks for your help


that happened to me one time. I didnt have a static ip set on my xbox so when I turned it on it didnt match the ip address on the Geo-filter. I deleted the Xbox off the Geo-filter and added it again and set ip address for the Xbox.  Basically the ip for that device was unmatched.

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