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XR500 and various devices not working

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I figure i would add this question here.  I have it in the netgear forum, but no correct answer yet.


I own a xr500, and cannot get the following devices to work behind the router


DirecTV  -   Can get an IP, but cannot connect out to the world

Furbo  -  Can get an IP, but cannot connect out to the world

Lutron bridge  -  works inside wifi, but cannot connect out to the world

WEMO - works inside wifi but cannot connect out to the world.


Now i used my modems wireless, and it works like a champ, but behind the router, and nada.

I already turned off IGMP proxy like was suggested.   ANY HELP would be appreciated.

Have 5 days before i turn it back in and go back to a normal router.  I really like the duma, and want to keep it.





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  • Netduma Staff

Hi Roxhound, welcome to the forum :) I'm assuming you've tried giving these devices static IP's? I've tried to find solutions for these devices, it doesn't seem like many Duma users are using them. There's a setting called SPI that some routers let you disable, though I'm not sure that's something we support yet. What do you mean explicitly by 'cannot connect to outside world'? What error messages to you receive on these devices?

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