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Double NAT on Xbox One

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I have the Verizon FIOS Modem attached to my XR500 Router. I can't switch my router to Access Point or change the modem to bridge as it is not the same b/c that's the only router. Every resource I have found for "Double NAT" fixes have something involving this. This issue is only when I turn the Xbox One on with the VPN already active on my Router. If I activate the VPN after I turn the Xbox on it still stays Open NAT. I am curious if this is a true fix? Will the Xbox route through the VPN or will it go through my home IP it recognized when I turned it on?

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I'm not sure I understand your first point exactly. However, you can put the console in the XR500 DMZ but generally when using a VPN it can cause NAT issues, especially if it's not a gaming VPN. I would say that your Xbox will still be going through the VPN when new connections are made.

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Essentially. I turn on my Xbox with VPN off -> Turn on VPN -> NAT says its still open -> Is it now sending through the VPN or is it sending through the original connection that it recognized when I turned it on.

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I recently found this as well. In my case, Call of Duty, I would turn the VPN on after and still see OPEN nat but it is a glitch in how they test for the NAT type within game. Similar to having type 2 NAT which for networking standards is OPEN or able to open upon request rather. The game however tests a specific port 3074 for direct comms. If it detects the port is open once as in when you're vpn is Off then it will assume it is open until the connection to the server is reset within the game. So if you boot game with VPN off, gain OPEN nat then turn the VPN on it will be listed as OPEN still. If you leave the VPN on and reboot your PS4 you will see the connection has been change to reflect MODERATE nat in the game.

There seems to me to be an issue with port forwarding as well as UPnP once a device is assigned to the Hybrid VPN. If it functioned to actually make the ports open then we would show OPEN nat in game. So far all testing points towards an issue from within the router. 

In your particular situation your questions don;t really pertain to double NAT. The only way to avoid being double Nat'd locally is to allow for the Netduma router to either be in DMZ of the ISP gateway/router provided by the ISP or set the ISP gateway/router to bridged mode if that is an option. If you are double NAT'd from CGNAT at the ISP level then you can avoid double NAT with an OPEN NO NAT VPN tunnel. Even then you will have moderate NAT in game until port forwarding WITH hybrid VPN is functioning. 

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