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Fifa 19 (pc) setup

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  • Netduma Staff
5 hours ago, DazManDisco said:

Hi just bought the rx500 and i'm looking for help on setting up Fifa 19 on the pc on the geo-fliter, I've added the pc as a device then when clicking next there is no option for fifa

Many thanks

Hi, welcome to the forum! There's currently a workaround for PC games that you'll have to do. It's not too hard, it's just to get the Geo-Filter working correctly.

You'll want to go into the Device Manager, click on your PC and change its device type to a console (like PS4) instead. This should make the Geo-Filter work correctly :D

There should be a Fifa profile, but I'd recommend just setting a 1500km distance and enabling Strict Mode. If you struggle to connect you'll probably need to find out where the EA servers are located through trial and error, and include at least one inside your radius. I hope this helps!

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