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No longer connecting to servers

Munky Force

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Hey guys,

I clicked on the flush cloud icon (no reason but just curious about all the new buttons and features lol).  "Applying settings" came up for a while then this appeared "The operation is taking longer than expected.  Please briefly wait before using this R-App." Hit OK and didn't think anything of it but now I only connect to a server in the UK when I start Black Ops 4 and peers in games.  It used to show all the servers around the world.  The only way I connected to a dedicated server (located around UK according to Duma but ping at 23ms so assume that one is probably a Sydney server) was if I join a friends lobby/game.  Switching between filtering mode and spectating, unchecking strict, changing locations and area doesn't seem to do anything.  I've tried re-booting and hard resetting the R1 and PS4 but no change.  I was about to downgrade then re-update Duma OS but thought I would share first in case you guys wanted me to check anything out, get details or screenshots.  Apart from this, I am liking the new layout.  Good stuff!!!

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Thanks for the report. I would be surprised if Flush Cloud caused it. A couple of options:

1. Factory Reset (click the 'i' icon in the top right corner to see the option)

2. Or follow this guide to resetup your Geo-Filter:  http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000077072-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-geo-filter-setup-step-2-

Just make sure when you boot the game up you have the filter over your preferred server area.

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