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Network Monitor - historical information

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It would be nice if the network monitor could be enhanced so there is access to historical information as well as the live data.

I know there is the traffic meter which shows usage per day, week and month etc. But I would like to see this information per device and also as a category breakdown like in the live network monitor.


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I think this would run into technical limitations with RAM and storage, unless you were to plug a flash drive in and they figured out a way to let you log to an external storage device. I agree that a little bit longer window for usage stats would be nice though. Maybe the window could be extended to show 5 minutes of usage?

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  • Netduma Staff

This is a great suggestion, thanks for sharing! I don't think it's limited by RAM or Storage Azza since every router DumaOS is on has plenty of storage space (and the Nighthawks especially have more than enough RAM). I'm not a programmer so I don't know for sure, but it's within the realms of possible.

We'll be announcing a public roadmap soon to show you guys where DumaOS is heading, but this is one of those features which we've had our eyes on for a while. We'd like to see data usage over time as well, it'd be super useful!

Watch this space ;) 

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