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I seem to be getting ddossed


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Hi, I have an xr500 on the latest firmware and I am getting ddossed, I understand that netgear routers send up false positives, however if you look at the attached log you will see that what I am experiencing is certainly not a false reading, this is disrupting my work and tv(streaming) and the family's gaming(ps4) for more thana week. I have read in other posts, that when you see the scans etc that the router is doing it;s job and denying them, but alas the ddoss continues to disrupt everything. I bought this router hoping that having the best router on the market would somehow keep script kiddies from raging and slapping a ddoss on me when i shoot them in the face on BO4(ps4). Any help would be appreciated(please don;t say, you should buy a vpn) I have no budget for this. Also I am on dsl so i have changed my mac address and router name and external ip multiple times and it persists, I have a call into my isps support but I thought I would talk to the experts here while waiting in case there is a box I have not ticked somewhere.






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Sorry for the delayed response, these are normal, for example I looked up one of the IP addresses in the log and it came back as Google. They are just normal connections made every day and should be nothing to worry about.

If you were being DDoSed you wouldn't be able to load a website. Most likely the issue you're experiencing is just local congestion, post up a screenshot of your QoS page/settings and we can take a look.

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