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Missing black ops 3 server


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I recently purchased an xbox one and noticed that the Seattle servers that i would normally connect to while playing bo3 on my ps4 shows up for a moment while logging on but then goes away. this forced me to play on California servers that tend to fluctuate between 50 to 100 ms of ping. I am not sure if there is anything i can do about it but I just figured i would put it out there.

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This could be the case, but i find it odd that the ps4 server is there and the xbox one is not. I would assume that both games are ran from the same server locations. As stated the server shows up temporarily while logging on to multiplayer but then does not actually connect to it through the xbox. When i switch to the ps4 the same server location shows up but it actually allows me to find games on it. Thank you for your input though.

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Hi Racer,


It's been 2 years or so since i've been on the Xbox but if i remember correctly they did switch to different servers than the PS.  The playstation runs on Activision's servers while on the Xbox they had started running on Microsofts Azure servers, which are not in the same locations .  I believe they made that switch during Advanced Warfare.  

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