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XR500 Wireless Constantly Slows/Disconnects

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I just recently replaced my Aeris DOCSIS 3.0 Modem and Asus AC66RU Router with a Netgear CM1000 and XR500 when I upgraded to Xfinity Gigabit, and so far it has been a nightmare.


Wired works fine. I am able to reliably get 980+ Mbps and low latency on my desktop and PS4 Pro that are wired into the XR500. 


Wireless has been terrible. At first I thought it was just my first gen Vizio smart TV platform/old 2.4ghz only WiFi adapter...but both a new Roku Express and my Pixel have issues on 2.4ghz or 5ghz. Sometimes it will let me get a few episodes into Netflix and other times it will drop connection after only a few seconds. Sometimes the connection comes right back and other times I have to reset the router in order to restore the internet -- though the devices will still "connect" to the router the internet will just fail to work.


I have done the following:


-Verified my modem's status/connection strength (all channels are locked in and around +/- 8 or 9 dbv and noise level is good

-My modem is on a direct line from the main splitter into my apartment with nothing else sharing it

-Verified my modem is running the latest firmware from Xfinity and even done a refresh and reprogram with them



-Updated to the latest firmware

-Reset to factory settings (multiple times throughout)

-Turned off smart connect

-Turned QoS/Anti-BufferBloat to Always, Sometimes, Never

-IPV6 is OFF

-MIMO tried ON and OFF

-Tried Xfinity DNS, Cloudflare DNS, Google DNS

-Turned off 20/40mhz coexist or w/e its called

-Used Wifi analyzer and have swapped channels multiple times. 6 seems to be least congested in my area. And there is very little 5ghz at all.


I have just swapped the AC66RU back in. And unfortunately its dated processor can only handle speeds of around 450 Mbps over my wire, but I am going to test the Wifi with it to confirm its either the XR500 or a combo issue with the CM1000/XR500. If the AC66R works then I am just at a loss as to what to do? I feel like I have done everything but the Wifi simply doesn't work period.


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