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Geo filter in AW (xbone)

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Hi all,


I'm not sure how to interpret the circles I see on the geo filter:

1. First scenario: I invite others join both my party and game, so that we are all in the same lobby, but without actively searching for a match yet. Are all the circles on the map members of my party? Or am I also seeing other players, other servers etc'?

2. Scenario 2: Same as #1, but now I've clicked "find game" and am actively searching for a game. I am assuming that in this scenario the map is showing my party members as well as other potential players/servers. Is there a way to distinguish between my party and others without have to click on each circle? If not, it would be a nice feature to have party members in a different color/shape on the map.

3. Scenario 3: my party is now actually in an active match. Are all the circles on the map of players in this specific match, or am I still seeing all kinds of random players/servers as well? Either way it would be nice to be able to see my party as a distinct color/shape.




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  • Netduma Staff

1) If you haven't searched for a match all the circles on the GeoFilter should be players. Sometimes servers show up in lobbies when your not searching for games so there could be servers showing up on the GeoFilter too.


2) It isn't possible to distinguish between party members and other players without clicking on each circle and adding it onto your allowed list so that the circle becomes sparkly.


3) All circles will be players in your match. If you are connected to a dedicated server then that will also show up on the GeoFilter too.


Hope that helps :)

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