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I need some help.

Today i recived my router. My config is bridge Mode in isp router/modem. For better performance should i change my dns? How about dmz? Cant find it in this router? How can i put a static IP for my console For dmz? Some feautures are not avaiable. Like alow or denny and the feature to control my network. The bandwith % for my devices. The Ping search for host its not working to i search for Ping 40 and always find host with more. For me one of the bettet funcion this routet have only work in PC. Not in ps4 the details of the host i was connected.

Can you help me? I have my modem/ router isp in bridge i disable the wireless. Put in netduma and auto config ps4. Im from Portugal in network test my Ping is ok.

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Its very difficult to help so many issues. So lets solve one at a time. 




For better performance should i change my dns?


No, it won't make a difference to games




How about dmz?


No because your router is in bridge mode, so DMZ is not needed.




 How can i put a static IP for my console For dmz?


You don't need DMZ on the router, leave the default settings on.




 Like alow or denny and the feature to control my network


That feature is on the host filtering page. 




 The bandwith % for my devices


Go to "congestion control" page and at the bottom you will see device prio. 




The Ping search for host its not working to i search for Ping 40 and always find host with more.


Ping assist does not work that way. Read this please: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_ping_assist




For me one of the bettet funcion this routet have only work in PC. Not in ps4 the details of the host i was connected.


It is available, read the bottom of this page: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_getting_started

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Só what i only need is bridge Mode. And in ps4 auto config? But in my network devices i can change % my devices. And in alow or denny it only apears a Green and Red bar. No details in there

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Why my Ping is only ok? Because the test its made in uk server and im in Portugal? In my isp server i get 16ms Ping my connection is 120down/8up.

Should i config my geo filter to 1500km and 50ms?

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Why my Ping is only ok? Because the test its made in uk server and im in Portugal?


The ping is to google, which represents you last mile ping. Its kinda of the best possible ping you can get. Its probably because you're in portgual maybe google is not near by. Don't worry about it though.


Try 1500km and 60ms for now, and if you are getting games ok then try reduce ping a bit :)

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