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Netduma No Internet Access

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Hi I've been having problems with my netduma since yesterday. The problem I'm having is that i lose internet access to my netduma but not to my Home Hub 6 ( Main Router). Once I start having this problem the only way that I've found to fix it is to pull the plug and it will start doing it again after a hour or two, When this happens i cant access the router settings on my netduma or home hub. I have factory rest both of the routers and still nothing, I have also unplugged both of them and it did not fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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When I lose my internet connection everything on the netduma will have no access to internet or the netduma settings. I've had this netduma for months and I haven't had a single issue until now. I had to swap the netduma with one of my older home hubs so that I've got internet upstairs.

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Very strange that it'll only work for a few hours after a reboot. Can you factory reset from miscellaneous settings then set a static IP for the Netduma on the BT hub. Don't change anything else on the duma and just use it for internet like a normal router and see if it happens again please. 

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