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Can someone explain me these attacks on Sony and M$?


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What are these DDOS attacks? And how is this even possible?


simple quick answer.. using a network of bots ( remotely controlled pcs)   you flood a specific server with more traffic than it can handle.. end result it cant handle the traffic its supposed to and grinds to a halt.


All you need is the ip address of a core server and bam the entire network will go down.. The fact its so easy to take down first party platforms is slightly worrying and doesnt really inspire much confidence in thm imho

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And theres nothing they can do?

There is plenty they COULD do, but as always, it involves money and looking BACKWARD at your client base instead of constantly looking forward towards the next DLC or game release.


These Lizard Squad pukes were just rewarded with 3,000 premium memberships to some website owned/partnered/created by Kim-dot-com, so it's highly unlikely this sort of thing is going to stop.  

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DDoS cannot be stopped it is kinda a cleaver trick in that sense...you can make sure that you aren't being hit with fake packet requests...but, if enough bandwidth is thrown at you...you're going to go down...


They have filter out the attackers and call the higher tier node to have the blacklist it.


This is how North Korea "lost" their internet access.

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Not the end of the world no, I don't throw around money to not be able to use things. So of course I wanna use my GAMING router lol using it for surfing the web Is no different than my other router. So I am being constructive searching the web I guess

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Oh come on gang, im down about this just like everyone but please tell me have something more contructive to do, not being online isnt the end of the world is it.



Always nice to have some teachers around. My favorite.

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Did not expect that! Why is it that I hit a train only when I come home from work with take out food?



Why you hitting trains?


I guess you mean at level crossings?


Eat your food whilst you wait then.

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Yes thanks for that :P. I do have a family :( Just to add I'm not one of those idiots to beat the gate before it closes, that's when I eat what I can ;) cheers

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