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Firmware upgrade help.

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1.) Current version 1.03.3

2.) Not sure of speeds

3.) Setup - Cisco DPC3008 cable modem, NetDUa R1, Xbox One. ( I plug in a laptop for troubleshooting)

4.) I would like to upgrade the firmware, but after reading your post. It needs your touch.

5.) If you can provide a check list of thing to change pre-upgrade, I feel I could complete it on my own.

Thank you


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1.) Current version 1.03.3

2.) Not sure of speeds

3.) Setup - Cisco DPC3008 cable modem, NetDUa R1, Xbox One. ( I plug in a laptop for troubleshooting)

4.) I would like to upgrade the firmware, but after reading your post. It needs your touch.

5.) If you can provide a check list of thing to change pre-upgrade, I feel I could complete it on my own.

Thank you



Post here and Fraser will get back to you when it's safe to upgrade. http://forum.netduma.com/topic/11018-major-netduma-upgrade-now-available-v-1036/

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We could not access your router. Please ensure the R1 WAN IP is in the DMZ of your ISP hub if applicable. UPnP & Port forwarding is disabled on your ISP hub if applicable and that remote access is ticked on the R1 in settings > miscellaneous.

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