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Infinite Warfare My Thoughts - One Foot In The Grave??? @InfinityWard Save Your Game!!!


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I agree about the sniping it's a right mess and i doubt this will be changed a possible slight nerf at the best IW are well known for not acknowledging feedback i believe previous iw community managers have blocked genuine feed back worries on twitter in the past so i'm not holding out on the sniper issue.


Apart from that i agree ttk is fine with me connections are very good also but that's mainly as servers seem to be rare and i'm getting host pro.  Maps are very hectic spawns could be an issue but usually get sorted as time goes on.


I like the game but got a feeling this could be cods first big loser don't expect mw remastered to be sold separately for at least 6 months because of this.


PS frontier should be cranked only that would be mental.

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