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netduma + cm500

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I'm having a little bit of trouble with the hardware. My response time of connected directly to my modem (just a modem not a combo) I get below 50 ms responses but once i connect the netduma my ping spikes up to 60+ms when I ping and I get "bad" every time I test out my conection in the Duma. 
I took out the Duma connected my airport express to run the same tests and my ping is below 50 ms
I have cable not dsl not sure why when i connect the Duma my ping just spikes. 
Please let me know when you guys can set a 1v1 to try and get this sorted out. 

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i did. it went down but not to its original 30-35ms meh :/

i dont get "bad" when i run diagnosis on the duma now i get "ok" should be getting it to read "good"

i test out because that what your router uses to test so...

another thing.. changing the dns on the router makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. :(

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Factory reset. You obviously typed in something. Netduma doesn't like. Simple. Try same Shit again. Troubleshoot. U Wanna change settings. Obviously changed something. I've done this with adding ports. Netduma goes to a crawl, factory reset fixes. Trial n error man. Don't change things if you don't understand networking. Hopefully figure it out.

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Factory reset. You obviously typed in something. Netduma doesn't like. Simple. Try same Shit again. Troubleshoot. U Wanna change settings. Obviously changed something. I've done this with adding ports. Netduma goes to a crawl, factory reset fixes. Trial n error man. Don't change things if you don't understand networking. Hopefully figure it out


LOOL k dude hop off my shit first of all.... are u a tech support specialist for netduma ? THEN STFU i dont need your shitty input.. keep all stupidity to yourself... thanks.

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i dont know who this person is fraser... no reason for him to come in and start talking non sense. 




i changed back and it let me see the cloud settings right...but why can't i use my own dns settings? I've already input those numbers on all my devices. 

reason i changed it is because i get better trace route and response time. 


can you please explain to me the difference between having your own and using the routers dns ?

thank you.

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Share on other sites thats one of my isp dns one with low response time and good trace route. i used as secondary 


i switched back to auto settings tho cus i want my cloud setting to be on point lol 


i changed my dns because i thought it would improve latency and just gamplay in general i mean that was my conclusion after reading so much about it. idk i may be wrong youre the expert, teach me the way sempai :)

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